Friday, May 30, 2008

Movie Night

Went and played some tennis last night; had leftovers; (PS - quick and easy enchilladas with that old el paso enchilada sauce, some leftover chicken, onions and green pepper can't be beat. I think i'll give it a shot with some of those burgers I cooked next week.)

Wifey wanted to watch a movie and I said that was fine but I wanted to finish my book. While the Lincoln Lawyer was a great read, I was glad I finished in time to watch the move. We watched Juno and I must say it was one of the wittiest, most uplifting movies I've seen in a long time. Yeah, its about a girl who is 16 and gets pregnant, but it really is an awesome movie. You should check it out.

In other news, wifey and I are going to the country club to have dinner tonight. Hmm - had I mentioned that we joined the local country club here?? Don't think so. Anyways, its not the nicest (read - most expensive) club in town but we really like it. They have a great pool, excellent tennis and golf. Also the food is pretty good. We both got free dinners for our birthdays so we're headed out to get a steak dinner and have some beverages.

This week will be a lake party for the roommate who closed on her house last weekend. Exciting times here at cadleized.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I was afraid Juno would be too juvenile. I've heard mixed reviews of it. I have it on my netflix waiting list. Enjoy the country club...

cdp said...

Wasn't Juno so cute? I loved it. Of course,I can relate a little too well, being that I was oh so close to teenage motherhood myself. Le scary.

Anyhoo, sad to be losing the roomie? I will miss seeing her about the neighborhood! (and making fun of me and mark for holding hands while walking the dog)

smooches to wifey

Ally said...

I liked Juno a lot too. Can't beat those gold running shorts.

The enchiladas are making me hungry....Happy week!

Vered said...

Your wife is lucky.

My husband can't enjoy a chick flick. Even if it's a good one: he just refuses to enjoy them.