Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When its going goood, its hard not to think maybe you're missing something....

I recently sent the following email to a great friend. Life is good. Working, enjoying friends, just went on vacation. I don't have much to complain about and hence, you haven't really heard form me lately...

I think I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum as you are actually... just about to celebrate the 6th wedding anniversary and well, I guess Wifey probably (speculating here) never thought I could get this fat. But we seem to be getting along really well and having a good bit of fun together.

Working out in the mornings three days a week and haven't gained any weight since we took the bar. That's a start. I need to start swimming regularly to burn some calories. I've taken up the tennis because it doesn't cost extra to play tennis like it does golf and the pool has opened. Life is good when you can drink beer and get made to order chicken fingers at the pool and have them delivered to your chaise lounge. (As the pool has gotten more crowded they have taken to calling you on a bullhorn...yeah, not so much)

We were at the beach for the bar convention and had a great time. Total booze cruse. I did manage to get myself elected as a rep for YLD though. We were down there for three days and really had a fabulous time. Always nice to have some subsidized time at the beach. We even went to a great CLE where judges and lawyers told "war stories". My sides hurt the next day I laughed so hard.

I've been out of my office and working from home for the past week and a half. Boss has been on vacation for that long too. I think we all just took some time off to rest up. I "worked" from home for part of last week we weren't out of town. Today is the first day back in my office since the beginning of the month. My billables will suck but it was a much needed rest. (PS - I'm doing 10 hour days to catch those billables up and the month is actually looking good.)

Life is good. I also got my CPA application in rough draft form and am trying to get it submitted. I don't know if it will qualify but I figure I owe it to myself to try. Life is pretty good. We started scheduling 2 weekends a month to work on the house. If I can get this house fiasco and CPA shenanigans behind me I'll feel like I'm really on top of things again.

So life is good. The CPA thing has turned into another post. I'll share later


cdp said...

You didn't tell me about the YLD thing. That's my Cadle. All about bridging the gap. Good show, dude. Always the networker you are.

Ally said...

Yeah for you and wifey! Glad things are going well and that you've had some downtime. Hope these ten hour billable days are not too bad.