Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This Is Plain Ridiculous

Well folks. I finally gave inM and screw you guys who will note it only took two weeks. I went amd got myself an international crackberry 8830. This mofo is cool. It gets directions, email, porn websites and plays games. Pretty amazing. I got it for about 100 bucks too which is amazing becaus I was actually happy when I left the verizon store today. Phenominal. So now I have no excuse not to post. But my spelling and formatting well, you know

Post brought to u via crackberry


cdp said...

You're totally selling out to The Man. I'm ashamed of you.

icadle said...

bbuuuttt you so know better than that!!! I do like my toys though, always have.

Anonymous said...

Boys and their toys. I have NO CLUE what this post is about except I recognized the word VERIZON and PORN. But if crackberry is related to blackberry I'd have to protest because the owner of blackberry is a retard and here in TN he's a hated man. Hope your gizmo makes you happy. Play on.

icadle said...

the owner of a blackberry is hated in tennessee?? huh? its just a little digital thing that gives me the email at home so I don't have to ride to the office to clean up my endbox thact can, at times, be needlessly cluttered by by those who over-use the reply-all key. i don't see how its such a bad thing...

Anonymous said...

The dude that owns Blackberry tried to buy our NHL Predators. He even sold tix in Canada for the team he planned to MOVE from Nashville before he even signed a contract. The NHL put a BIG stop to him and now a local group has bought them. Jim Balsille is the owner and pretty much any hockey fan in TN can't stand him. Small world. Enjoy your gadget tho!

Ally said...

So if you now have a crackberry why aren't you reading my blog more often, commenting more, and posting on your own blog more often? Gosh.