MY NEW CAR!! I got it last week. My father-in-law was nice enough to make a donation to my favorite charity, me, and provide me with this handsome ride.
The bottom line: it costS $40 bucks a month to insure and costs $35 per fill up versus $75 per fill up for my explorer. Saving money after just one week.
Very nice.
Thanks Lester!
I mean, Jerry
So did you sell the Explorer? Gas is SO expensive....sounds like a good "deal."
I know you love rollin' in the 'rolla.
Corrections and comments. It was actually Andy who conveyed the car to me. And I didn not get rid of the Explorer. I feel i need it when required to do business that involves a vehicle.
I haven't calculated my mileage yet, but I think i was getting 19mpg in the Explorer and the Carolla is going to be nearer to 30
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