Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Breaking the Bloggin Rules

I haven't posted anything lately because I work all day on trying to finish my master bedroom/bathroom and then generally pass out shortly after I stop working for the day. Because I don't beleive my readers (down to 1 now) are interested in the mundane aspects of building a dual head shower walk in shower with diamond pattern accent tile and glass block, I haven't been posting much lately. I have also electrified my little work/storage shed and finally moved, by hand over 3,000 pounds of crap out of my back yard. (yes, I did haul it to the dump on a trailer, but it was all loaded and unloaded by hand, so make that 6,000 pounds and you will understand why my back hurts.

So, today I have to prepare an opening statement and of course, I am procrastinating. In my efforts to procrastinate, I found an article in the Young Lawyers Division newsletter from the State Bar. Here, Judge John Elligton, Georgia Court of Appeals, shares "Lessons I've Learned from the Bench." I found some of these to be very good so I thought I would post them here for you to read.

  • You can do anythin in a courtroom until someobody (usually the judge) tells you that you can't.
  • Just because you can do anything in a courtroom you want to, doesn't mean you have to.
  • There is life outside the courthouse - get one.
  • Remember, there are no original stories, just original thieves. If you see another lawyer's style you like, steal it and make it your own.
  • In law and in life, it is the people you meet and the friends that you make who make the difference.
  • Git-R-Done...early. ...
  • Even if it is your first time doing something, act like you have done it 100 times before.
  • Time is money. Although money will not buy you happiness, it will buy you are Mercedes-Benz that you can ride around in and look for happiness.
  • Most appellate judges think that they are legal scholars. The truth is that they are just lawyers who once knew a governor.
  • It doesn't cost anythign to be nice - to staff, baliffs, clients and othere attorneys.
  • Motions for Reconsideration (MFRs), also known fondly by the court as "more fascinating reading," will be granted only when it appears the court overlooked a material fact in the record, a statute or decision which would require a different judgment from that rendered. ...
  • Everybody in the world does not have a courthouse. . . .
  • What we do in the judicial system is important. We deal with people's property, people's children, and people's freedom.

So there, Thank you Judge Ellington. I thought these were good nuggets of wisedom and hope you enjoyed them.


Ally said...

Good luck tonight!! Get r done!!

p.s. My favorite "nugget" was the one instructing you to act like you've done something 100 times even if it's your very first time. Fake it until you make it.

cdp said...

make that three!

I really liked this one. Hope you don't mind if I gank a few of the nuggets for my blog. Good stuff!