Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Damn I'm tired

yet another night it was difficult to sleep. May have been my own damn fault since I lounged around all day. Wound up going for a run at 10:30 or so. Hard to run during the day since ist so damn hot around here. I need to take off 15 pounds or so. I wonder if i can getterdun over the summer. Maybe I'll post my weight and see how that goes. or maybe not.

So the vacay was good, but i'm exhausted.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Woefully Middleclass

A friend recently said, "Making big plans for Memorial Day is SO middle class"

After a good, rather unplanned Memorial Day weekend, I feel obliged to evaluate this statement in light of my personal experience. I must say, I rather disagree.

My weekend started out with a solid dose of yardwork and general work on my house. (btw - the bathroom is coming along nicely.) I then decided we should go spend the day on the lake with Boone and Arod. I can't say I have ever really spent the day in the lake. We arrived at 11, ice the beer, walked down to the dock, grabbed the nearest flotation device and began an 8 hour oddysey of waterlogging our bodies in the murky waters of Lake Sinclair.

As a child, my parents never showed much interest in a Lake of any sort. In fact, they are Vacation Nomads. We don't own a lake home, a time share (though I was 12 and toured one and would have bought in RIGHT THEN if it were up to me), or a condo. We could, but we don't. My only visits to the lake were as part of the annual Parker Family Reunion, with some of the oddest relatives I can admit to having. Hence, the idea of leisurely floating in the lake, drinking beer and sunning one's self was quite foreign to me. We are people of motion, working in the yard or traveling on a multipart vacation. We simply don't sit still well.

However, I found this day of communing with the fishes, the American heritage of Budweiser in a can, and multiple applications of sunscreen quite theraputic. We didn't even have a boat or other vestige of marine wealth at our disposal. We stayed the night (unplanned as well) and continued to enjoy the friendship and beverages on the dock till the late hours when even the mosquitos have gone to bed.

And I must say, though it may be somewhat middle class to enjoy frolicking in the dirty waters surrounded by trailers and people who actually work for a living, I think its great fun and rises well above this insulting misnomer brandied about by someone who proclaims to be of octogenerian and the shining son of a legal dynasty.

Now, who has that foam noodle shaped like a devil's head?

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I'm damn tired. (warning this may turn into a rant...)

But things are going well. The tub works. I'm at a great job this summer. I was actually very impressed as they bid a paralegal farewell after 15 years. There was a huge spread of food worthy of a small wedding reception, a nice gift and lots of love for this lady who apparently worked her ass of for all those years. It was very impressive to see people who appeared to really care about their people and maybe actually like each other.

School is good. Guy rambles on and we surf the internet and he shows us new ways to check things out. RSS is quite cool. I need to figure that out for this site.

Quote of the day: "Masse on Brandi...."YES!""

Hope you are having a good day. I think i'm down to one reader or less now.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Damnit i had a good idea for a post

And totally can't recall it now. So blonde

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Major Milestone

So, if you remember the jacuzzi tub I mentioned some time ago - I finally got that damn thing installed. Yes, I have gotten in it and its fabulous. Now its time for the rest of the bathroom to go in! Score.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Well Summertime is finally here. No better time to dress in a wool suit and go get coffee..er I mean clerk... for some law firm. Also, no better time to take a class. At least you get a good grade. Speaking of grades, they are rolling in from last semester. Average and rather arbitrary as usual.

So, before I get to work, I have a week to work on my house. This house is a perpetual project and I really think I'm going to try and get it somewhat finished this summer. At least where we have such luxuries as interior doors and a master bed/bathroom. Maybe even finish the fireplaces. That just can't be too much to ask.


"Hell was full so I came BACK"

What does that mean? Why would anyone put that on their car? I just don't get it sometimes.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Moving on

Well I had my crim pro exam today on two hours sleep. Thats three down, one to go. Something like 9 hrs sleep in three days. Faced with a dilema of taking one or two summer school classes. Need to get my CPA wrapped up. Four days to learn a course worth of Domestic Relations. Not a problem. Ready to have my week off before work starts. Ready to start work. Trying to figure out my schedule for next semester, which implies planning an entire year which seems a bit much. Yard's a mess. Maybe work on that tomorrow. Going to Swainsboro for my mother's birthday which i almost forgot but dad and lzl reminded me. Thank god.

going to drink some wine and watch a movie. Chunky Monky anyone???