Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It Has Been Awhile Folks

Howdy ya'll. I hope you are doing well. Life in the Macon has been rather quiet lately. The wifey and I are adjusting to having a regulary old folks married life no room-mate. We miss the room-mate but I think we're starting to adjust pretty well. To compensate we went out and bought a big TV and moved all our furniture into the upstairs. We've been eating up there and really enjoying the new space. The idea being that I get back to work on the trim and painting remaining downstairs. I haven't been doing such a great job of that but, to that end, I've been working to re-organize my shop. I need a heater out there because it just got cold down here.

So, we don't have much furniutre downstairs but that will come soon enough.


cdp said...

But you have such a great kitchen! Are you cooking downstairs and then schlepping it all up to the apt? And if so, when am I invited over for dinner? I think you owe me a steak or something. And some creme brewly.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the BIG TV!! You've got all winter to work on repainting...

Ally said...

Yeah today was COLD! I would need a heater too. Glad you're enjoying the new space.

icadle said...

cdp - yes, we mostly cook downstairs and schlep things upstairs for consumption in front of the magnificent new tv. and yes, we need to arrange a dinner sometime soon.

fcf- yes, all winter to repaint. Problem is when it gets cold, the paint is hard to apply correctly. gues syou can't win them all

ally - thanks! I hope you are still enjoying the 'nooga